3000 Miles Around Iran
Lois Pryce and her motorcycle take a trip

Lois on the road to Yadz
Lois Pryce, female motorcycle explorer extraordinaire, has recently returned from another trip to Iran. Like all the best adventures, one which she initially approached with some trepidation turned out to be truly uplifting.
Lois has travelled the world on two wheels and documented her travels along the way. Her adventures are truly inspiring and provide a great incentive to all would-be explorers to get out there and do it too.
Lois says:
"out of all the countries I have visited, Iran is the one that has affected me most profoundly."
Lois has made a film about her travels in Iran - here's a link to it:
Lois Pryce in Iran
You can also read about her Iranian adventures and see the photos on her
website. And there's a book on the way too...
So if you have itchy feet and just need a bit of encouragement, check out Lois Pryce's stories and you might just feel tempted to get on your bike and go!
Anyone else been to iran or any of the other places Lois has visited? Email us at:
[email protected]