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01 July 2013

Brighton Bikers' Night

Inaugural Brighton Bikers' Night draws a crowd despite the rain!

Thursday evening last week, June the 27th, saw the first of what promises to be a fun regular summer event down at Madeira drive on Brighton seafront, the Brighton Bikers' night.  The event was organised by Brighton council and MAG who hope it will turn into a regular summer ride out event.

April showers

Of course, true to form, the summer decided to do an impression of April and it drizzled pretty steadily throughout the evening, but despite that, plenty of motorcycles appeared down on the seafront to meet up and have a chat and some chips by the beach. After all if you live in the UK you get used to rain with your chips and the seagulls aren't bothered!

The council are also hoping to promote their new initiative which is a trial use by motorcycles of specific bus lanes in Brighton.  The aim of this trial is to make things safer and quicker for everyone - good plan! Here's a link to the bus lanes motorcyclists can use: Bus lanes

And here are some photos of the event which might tempt you down to check it out next month (just imagine blazing sun!)












As you can see the usual eclectic mixture of motorcycles, scooters and trikes were there - always something for everyone to enjoy looking at! Wemoto hope to be down there for the next one on July 25th - perhaps the council can order some sun for the next one then it will be really fun!

Created with Sketch.
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