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14 June 2021

Diamond's Are Forever – Maybe?

Motorcycle road races on the Isle of Wight postponed until 2022

First of all the much vaunted Diamond Races which we wrote about last year and which were due to start in October 2021, have been pulled. Then Isle of Wight motorcycle road races, proposed as an alternative and due to run in October, also got the kybosh due to – you guessed it, our current global house guest - Covid 19.

These elite level motorcycle road race events, had been cited as an Isle of Wight's version of the Isle of Man TT. The idea was initially welcomed as a new road racing series which could have legs (or should that be wheels) and add an influx of tourists to the Isle of Wight at a time of year when visitors were normally packing up their buckets and spades, popping their fossils in their pockets and heading home.

Covid Stops Play
Things seemed to be jogging along nicely until a series of meetings between Isle Of Wight councillors, parish councils and organisers decided that risks posed by the pandemic made any road races, too risky this year.

Basically, the pandemic has stopped the proper local surveys and a full thorough consultation with the local community from taking place. The goal posts have changed, with the addition of the extra stress of the virus, and there have been many emails sent to the council leader Councillor Hastings from local Isle of Wight residents expressing concerns about any motorcycle road racing happening this year. Council Leader Cllr Stewart commented:

“In a year when Covid 19 has dominated our lives, and we know we are not out of the woods yet, both Cllr Hastings and I have been clear that community safety has been our paramount concern.
To meet the high standards expected for such an event many aspects of the proposal need to be completed. These have been outlined to the organisers and the time-frames involved mean requirements cannot be met by October this year.
I know there are many on the Island who have expressed their support for an event of this nature, but equally there are residents who have significant concerns and these should all be considered and addressed if and when a formal proposal with the necessary endorsement of the ACU and SAG is received by the council.
Meanwhile I thank the organisers for their pragmatic approach and their appreciation of community concerns which I am sure they will address in due course.
So for now everything is up in the air and it isn't clear whether both, or either, of the motorcycle road race events will take place next year, it looks as though the progression of the pandemic will determine events so watch this space for updates as the year goes on."

Gone But Not Forgotten
Is popping over the water to the Isle of Wight to watch some cool motorcycle road racing, something which you were looking forward to? Do you think it could ever rival the Isle of Man TT? It's certainly a shorter ferry crossing than to the Isle of Man!
Let us know at [email protected] or drop us a message on Facebook.

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