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06 January 2015

Hot for HOGS

time for a Sherry!

John Newman

In June in Andalusia southern Spain, the temperature starts to climb. It's great motorcycling country; a combination of mountain roads and alluring coast. Which is a good enough reason to hold the 2015 the 24th Harley-Davidson H.O.G rally down that way.


It takes place from June 18th - 21st at a place called Puerto Sherry, about half way between Jerez and Cadiz.

The event will attract HD riders and fans from all over the world, and although the 'programme' hasn't yet been announced. We suspect the usual shenanigans will ensue involving custom bikes, beer, rock music, beer, dubious T shirt contests, beer, piles of merchandise, beer, mega meat consumption, beer.

Already the tour companies and HOG Chapters in the UK are organising and offering ride and accommodation packages. Riding across Spain to the south from the ferry ports of Santander or Bilbao is for sure one of the must do European motorcycle rides...even on a Harley!

Saddle up and enjoy.

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