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06 June 2022

Hur Hur Hur

Motorcycle Chariot Racing - no we're not joking

Ever seen Ben Hur? If so you may remember the epic chariot race, so epic in fact that it inspired two Australians to reproduce that very chariot - only using motorcycles instead of horses. Search Motorcycle Chariot on the National Film and Sound Archive of Australia for more on this - horsepower of a different order! Apparently Charlton Heston actually had to learn to drive a horsedrawn chariot for the film Ben Hur - no CGI in those days, wonder if he could have learned to drive the motorcycle version if he had to today - bet that's a yes!

The fashion for motorcycle chariot racing was huge in the 1920s and 1930s following on from the film Ben Hur in 1925 and spread round the world with the rigs evolving in many different directions.The first motorcycle chariots featured a rider on a motorcycle pulling a chariot with a charioteer who appeared to be the driver, but was in fact really just ornamental, as the real driver was the motorcyclist who was in front riding the motorcycle rather than the apparent charioteer. However this soon evolved into a rig with a more genuine feel using two riderless motorcycles to pull the chassis, in place of the two horses of yore. These more authentic versions were steered from the chariot via the handlebars using reins or rigid extensions attached to the handlebars to steer the front wheels and operate the throttle and clutch. Some of these motorcycle race chariots had foot pedals in the chariot as well to control the speed.

There was even one with the two drive motorcycles welded together which kept the four wheels firmly planted on the track and prevented the front wheels from lifting up. Sometimes the racers would compete dressed as Romans in togas to add that authentic 'charioteer' feel to the event.

It's an incredible sport to watch as the competitors fight to keep control of their machines and keep the wheels on the track while slewing round corners at high speed trying to overtake each other. Although it is not a current racing sport there are still rigs being made and even interesting racers like this one are giving them a go, and struggling somewhat...recognise this bloke!

It's such a crazy quirky sport it would be great if it came back into fashion for its sheer entertainment value! What do you think, would you be interested in watching motorcycle chariot racing if it really was a thing once more with pukka motorcycle racers involved?

Let us know your thoughts at: [email protected] or drop us a message on Facebook ..

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