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21 March 2022

Nathan Harrison Interview - Motorcycle racer extraordinaire

In his own words...

Q  How old were you when you first learnt to ride a motorcycle? What is your family background as regards motorcycle racing?
A I first got on a bike when I was 5 years old. My dad Dean Harrison rode a race bike, so I had been around motorcycles and racing for the whole of my life and it was really natural to get on a bike and learn to ride.

Q What made you decide to start racing?
A Simple answer to that one, it was just something I had always wanted to do – I was an aspiring Joey Dunlop for as long as I can remember.

Q  What is your training regime?
A I keep as fit as I can and go to the gym four times a week. I am just starting to do an enhanced diet for fitness for the first time in my life. Basically it involves cutting out all junk food, puddings etc during the week and just eating really healthily. Saturday night is treat night though when puddings and the things I don't eat during the week are allowed so I really look forward to that and appreciate it much more than if I was eating it every night. Apart from that I train on the bike about once a week and work in our family car business the rest of the time.

Q  How important is your mind to your race performance?
A Well I just get on with it basically and don't overthink it. As I live on the Isle of Man it is easy to do some laps in the car before the race just to keep up my familiarity with the course.
But I love racing and look forward to it so I don't really need to do any mental preparation. The only thing I do, which isn't a superstition, but maybe just a habit, is that I always put my right glove on first!

Q  Have you managed to carry on with your practice regime during covid and how much racing have you been able to fit in?
A I have been over to the mainland to race in BSB when covid allowed, so I've kept my hand in that way. Also while everything was locked down and the gyms were closed I went out on my bicycle to keep fit and it was really lovely, the roads were quiet. We didn't suffer as badly as some during the pandemic because there was less covid around here on the Isle of Man and things began to get back to normal in June, so there wasn't too much impact on my practice schedule really.

Q  Do you have an all time favourite race bike and are you happy with your current machine for this year's racing?
A I think my favourite bikes are the two I have now actually. I have a CBR 600 which I won the Manx Grand Prix on so it's proved itself there. I also have a CBR 1000 which is a great bike, superb electronics, can't fault it.

Q  What is your motivation for racing?
A I race mainly because I absolutely love it, it's such an adrenaline rush and I am totally absorbed in what I am doing when I am racing, just me, my bike and the course.
I also want to be the best that I can and I can't deny that I do want to win, so that is definitely a big part of the motivation.

Q  What does your team look like?
A I have a small family team. It's me, my mum and dad, brother and a couple of friends who are mechanics that help us at the rounds and prepping the bikes before race weekends. I send out sponsorship emails throughout the year, in between my day job to try and give us the best chance possible.
I like to do work on my bike myself, I'm not the kind of rider who likes to just turn up at the race meeting, I do like being hands on and have a bit of OCD with dirty bikes! At the short circuits and TT we will have a few mechanics along with my dad and brother it feels like a family affair really.  We try to stay calm and relaxed throughout, it's not a high-pressure environment. I talk any queries through with my dad who just wants the best for me and never puts any pressure on me. As a TT racer himself he's been there, got the T shirt, so it is really helpful to chat things through with him. He's never been pushy and always just encouraged me to go out there and enjoy myself. My mum is the same, she supports me in what I want to do and just does the mum things of making sure I'm eating properly and sleeping enough, without any pressure.

Q How do you feel before a race? Does the IOMTT pose any particular challenges over other races?
A Obviously the TT is a longer race then many and is a road race and as such deserves a bit more preparation. The bike needs to be really thoroughly prepped and I need to be fit and ready. Having said that we are used to it and manage to keep it all calm, smooth and relaxed which is really helpful for me.

Q What are your ambitions for this year? How are they looking so far?
A I'm really very much looking forward to racing again this year after the long break due to covid. Obviously I want to give it my utmost while still really enjoying it. I just want to take it as far as it goes, be the best that I possibly can and see where the race journey takes me.

Thanks to Wemoto for their sponsorship for the 2022 season – the support and help is very much appreciated.
Wemoto - It's our absolute pleasure Nathan and we wish you all the best for a great season, and thanks so much for taking the time to chat about your racing, it's been really interesting. So good to hear how much you enjoy it!

Any thoughts? Let us know at - [email protected] or drop us a message on Facebook

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