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17 December 2020

Speak To Me!

Honda are bringing out a new smart phone Voice Control System and app and it's coming as standard on some motorcycles.

The times they are a changin' indeed and you'd better start swimming or you'll sink like a stone – is this how you see it? Or would you rather stop the planet and get off? Like it or not technology is moving on apace and here's another development from Honda, the RoadSync app for use in conjunction with the Honda Smartphone Voice Control System. It's a new connectivity system for scooters and motorcycles and gives riders access to common functions on their Android OS phones while riding.

Here's how it will work, riders will be able to control their smartphones wirelessly via a  Bluetooth® link by pairing the Honda Roadsync app, Android OS Smartphone and helmet mounted headset.

This will enable the rider to use:
  • Google Maps to find their destination, with directions given to the rider audibly
  • Make and take calls. They will be able to voice-search for contacts and there are several presets and favourites available to make this quicker and easier
  • Send and receive texts, using voice search. Riders can find a contact using the voice search facility and then use one of five standard quick messages which are pre-stored. There is the option to change these to personal messages. Texts can be sent by speaking them and the app converts them to a written text. Likewise incoming texts are converted to audible messages so that the rider can hear them without having to read anything while driving. Clever! Oh and it can cope with WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger messages too
  • The weather forecast 3-5 hours ahead can be listened to
  • You can listen to music by pre-setting your favourite music app and just switching it on with voice control or the handlebar toggle

This system is being rolled out across Europe already from this month, December, and comes as standard on the 21YM-ADV, CBR1000R and the new Forza 750 (Does this remind anyone else of a pizza?) and is an optional addition to the 21YM Forza 350. Check it out on the Honda website for more information

So what do you think, does this innovation meet with your approval? Is this going to be a really helpful piece of kit for you, or just another distraction?

Very old school non-digital penny for your thoughts, or should that be a bitcoin...?
Let us know your thoughts via email [email protected] or on Facebook!

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