The Day of the TET
Here's another short and sweet motorcycle adventure involving mud...
Tempted? It's not all like this :)
The Transeuropean trail AKA
TET, is a wondrous thing, it's what the internet is for (not cats!) If you've never heard of it, where have you been? If you have an off-road capable bike and like to travel check it out, there are 80,000 km of routes out there.
But every now and then things need a bit of ‘ housekeeping’, so a day of checking the TET was called for.
2nd April 2023 - the first "Day of the TET"
This year we decided to be part of the season opener to check the navigability of the whole of the UK TET motorcycle route...
There are 5,718km of trails, 70 Sections, and we had one objective - to recce the entire TET UK in a single day, feeding back any concerns, issues or suggestions via the TET App to the TET Linesman - beers in the evening were optional, but probably going to be required!
And so it was, on a cold fresh morning (5 degrees) Dave, Mike and myself (Milky) met up to check out section 26, Ashford Kent to Seaford nr Eastbourne. A bit of a change to our normal riding route, we’ve done the Pilgrims way to Dover and back to death over the last 20 odd years.
Well to say it was very wet underfoot would be a bit of an understatement, fortunately as the sun crept a bit higher in the sky, the temperature rose, but not so much.
One of the other reasons we three rode together was because this was also to check our bikes before we head off to Portugal at the start of May. Dave's bike sort of failed; his battery died several times, so he bailed out around Bodiam castle. Mike and I carried on our merry way, muddy slippery trails ruled, some very nice back country lanes, a fallen tree required a quick re-route around the block. A message from some other riders in the Pevensey area warned of mud, lots 'n' lots of it, they required the local farmer's assistance to tow them out! So another diversion was routed and reported back to HQ via the TET app. Mike and I finished our section with a celebratory cup of tea and some fish n chips. Evening beers were had!
Roll on some Portuguese sunshine and warmth!
Many Thanks!
What a great tale, sounds like they deserved those beers after all that altruistic trail checking for the good of motorcycle kind. Thanks very much for the words and pictures Milky and his very adventurous crew!
Why not give the TET a try but maybe wait until it's dried out a bit!
Let us know if you plan to go or have tried the TET before at:
[email protected] or on Facebook.