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04 October 2016

The Gloves Are[n't] Off

Should glove wearing be compulsory for riders?

John Newman

The French do take their motorcycling seriously. Reflective helmet tape, the carrying of the hi-vis jacket. And now gloves will be compulsory too.

All riders of a motorcycle, scooter, trike or quad will have to wear them from 20th November onwards. Oh, and passengers will have to as well. So don't get caught out if you've any trips planned across the water, else you could face a fine of €68.

This being France, it's obviously not going to go down without a protest. The main bike organisation, Federation des Motards en Colere, is dumbfounded by the forthcoming law. It's not against wearing gloves - in most cases, its members do protect their hands - but the threat of penalty points and fines for something which doesn't put other people's lives at stake.

Apparently, 12% of riders in France currently choose to ride without gloves. Which, in the event of an accident, can cause serious hand injuries. But should they be compulsory, or should glove wearing be an individual choice? And if the French are doing it, should we be doing it too? We'll leave that one up to you. Let us know what you think by emailing [email protected]


04/10/16 - I always wear gloves. Not hecause I'm told to but because I value my hands. However, with all the blame laid on motorcyclists taking up loads of medical/nhs funds because of injuries (possibly) contributed to through lack of appropriate protective clothing it would be in our own interests. I know riders aren't the main cause of accidents, that's a different arguement entirely, but the resulting injuries are the same regardless of fault.

04/10/16 - Never understand why you want to ride with out? what's the 1st thing you put out when you fall over HANDS we've all come off bikes banged knees etc and still rode home but not if you do your hands in

04/10/16 - Wouldn't ride without but this should be well down the list of compulsory things for road users, wearing gloves won't save you life and dare I say that if we did go down this route armoured jacket and trousers, boots and high vis would be pretty hard on its heels. Would prefer to see stupid lights on cars banned and all cars to be fitted with mobile phone blockers that come on as soon as you start moving and cycling helmets :) for me gloves won't save a life so they shouldn't be compulsory.

04/10/16 - Riders safety gear should be checked as part of an MOT just like seat belts and air bags in a car. Most people with common sense would'nt rider without them, but there's always some who carn't see sense

04/10/16 - Wouldn't ride without them. I value my hands too much , as they earn my living!

04/10/16 - Wearing boots, gloves n motorcycle jacket should be compulsory, helmets should be part of mot too.

04/10/16 - France has a long history of bringing unpopular rules then not enforcing them - reflective stickers on helmets, carrying breathalysers etc. Personally I'd never ride without gloves, as I quite like having skin on my hands.

         07/10/16 - Having skin on your hands is definitely an advantage, I find.

04/10/16 - Helmets as part of an mot i can kind of understand what with loads of cheap nasty helmets creeping on to the roads. If it ever did become an mot item the tester would probably use the Sharp ratings system. It's already in place and used by retailers.

04/10/16 - Gloves keep your hands warm and protected from debris this means hands are then able to operate the machine correctly with minimal impairment... A helmet and gloves should be the limit.

05/10/16 - Let's face it you can hardly ever go far in the uk whithout.

05/10/16 - the freedom to ride/drive bollock naked should remain the choice of the person, if your stupid enough to do it compulsory clothing ain't gonna make a sh*te of difference

05/10/16 - Not so much a safety thing with me (triker ) but I find gloves give a better grip on throttle and levers.

05/10/16 - Yes

05/10/16 - Yes

05/10/16 - My head. My life. Just let me have separate insurance to cover switching off the Machine if I fall off the Motorcycle & hurt my head/body. Stop forceing me to go FASTER than my eyes could see ,Without the Crash hat on. As it's safer & quicker stopping at slower speeds but with a Bash hat on. 100mph is easy to achieve going to local shops ;-) Without the eyes watering like hell

05/10/16 - NOPE. Only Should be Handed a Bill from the NHS If injurys could have been stoped before becoming a problem. = Shorts & gravel rash, Broken bones after Skate bording. Like the Australians NHS. True Injurys get no bill but most who go for treatment COULD HAVE STOP ED IT BEFORE BE COMING A PROBLEM For our over worked under funded NHS Dealing with so many Fat brain dead Game playing time effort wastefull non thinking Retarded humans. Who should get a bill for there time spent in A&E

          08/10/16 - Oh this old cherry is it. Listen bud, I've paid tax and stamp for over 40 years....that's me paid my medical insurance. You want to charge me for treatment required for your defibition of wilful neglect. How far will you go? I eat red meat, drink full fat milk, smoke and vape and ride motorbikes without dressing up like a power ranger and dammit drive a car that doesn't have seat belts, airbags or abs. This is not Australia or America. ..this is Britain and we have, just, an NHS which is free at the point of use.

06/10/16 - Should parachutes be compulsory for mountaineers?

06/10/16 - Legislation isn't the answer

06/10/16 - My old boss told me a story of a big biker that thought he was jack the lad with no gloves , he come off on a gravel track , witnesses said he was screaming in pain as he had no skin left on his hands , I never ride without gloves ever for that simple reason , thanks to my old boss

06/10/16 - Load of b**locks,do what you want,f**k 'em!what next,dayglo's and full face helmets?!

          06/10/16 - I agree, all these t**ts in favour, next it will be leg protectors, full leathers, then f**k it ban bikes altogether

06/10/16 - Yes

06/10/16 - Naked just with my helmet and gloves on , across France

          07/10/16 - Don't forget your hi-viz of course!

          07/10/16 - Can't reply to that

          07/10/16 - Gravel rash on Percy is painful (no, I don't know for sure)

          08/10/16 - My wife has just asked........any pics??

          08/10/16 - Can't believe how many folk have asked for pictures , will see what pictures the police decide to show me , they said standing up at 60 mph naked was not a pretty sight , while riding a motorbike , I explained I had my gloves on

06/10/16 - Definitely not. Hands are the first things you put out when you come off. If you can't think to wear gloves for that reason... well, enjoy the lesson

06/10/16 - No. I think you have to be an utter pranny to ride without gloves, but education NOT compulsion

06/10/16 - They shouldn't have to be compulsory, but I would never ride without a descent pair, who the hell wouldn't wear gloves, just go outside and drag your hands along the road for a few feet lol

06/10/16 - You should always Ware gloves it saves the poor nurses having to pick half of the road out of your hands of some I.Q. Zero in a car pulls out in front of you.

06/10/16 - YES

06/10/16 - Never ride without them,,

06/10/16 - PS the same goes for a push bike

06/10/16 - Never ride anything without no matter where we are and how hot it gets once bitten

06/10/16 - Riding without gloves is daft... Wearing gloves saved my hands when I was hit into a stone wall by a driver who wasn't watching where she was going.

06/10/16 - I wouldn't go out with out them, but should be the rider choice.

06/10/16 - Iv been off at speed,thank god I had full leathers on,the thought of what damage I would have inflicted on myself ?frightening.

06/10/16 - I'd say not. I'd advise anyone to wear them, though

06/10/16 - Totally amazed at the amount of people who don't wear gloves

06/10/16 - Gloves on for me

06/10/16 - Yes.

06/10/16 - Stupid question..Will boots and jackets be next..? If you cant or ar are unwilling to police and enforce the law, you shouldnt pass them. Especially this unnecessary rubbish !

06/10/16 - Gloves keep your hands warm and protected from debris this means hands are then able to operate the machine correctly with minimal impairment... A helmet and gloves should be the limit.

          06/10/16 - And if you should happen to drop the machine gloves offer protection to the hands from getting ripped to pieces on the road surface.

06/10/16 - I see too many motorcyclists wearing inappropriate clothing it worries me. Shorts and T shirts is not appropriate and if people will not protect themselves then legislation has to be brought in to force them to.

06/10/16 - What should be done is do away with VAT on all safety equipment such as helmets, leathers, gloves, etc. It would allow people to buy better quality and suitable for purpose equipment!

06/10/16 - We have compulsory speed limits everywhere , yet there is an outcry for them to be made lower when someone kills them self at twice the limit! If you make gloves compulsory idiots will still ride without them, and the rest of us will get lumbered with the next "safety" idea. Let the idiots ride gloveless, but leave the thinking people alone !

07/10/16 - Nothing should be compulsory when it comes to clothing, it might be sensible...but not compulsory.

07/10/16 - Yes and leathers or appropriate gear

07/10/16 - NO ! Let thoughs who ride decide ?

07/10/16 - Safety Nazis in their polite vests jumping out. No gear should be a requirement. I near always wear a leather jacket, boots and gloves, but on hot days I'll happily downgrade to a shirt or hoody.

I only wear a lid because it's enforced. A short trip to the shops or riding on a long open road up in Scotland would be fantastic without a helmet.

07/10/16 - I am one of those idiot bikers that ride in nothing but a T-shirt and my cut and a piss pot helmet. I know how unsafe it is, I've crashed wearing these things (my fault: clutch jammed while filtering in moving traffic). I was not a pretty sight. But that's in summer and even then I don't do it on long journeys or motorways in the winter I wear full leathers and thermals, since I commute for two hours daily on my bike it makes all the difference. But I've also crashed my bike in full leathers. I was not a pretty sight then either (his fault, ran me off the road on a junction). Since then I realised safety on a motorbike is mainly wishful thinking and preparation for worst case scenarios.

It's been six years since my accident. Six whole summers of feeling the wind unrestricted and care free wearing 0 safety but a helmet and boots. So feel free to judge. God knows I see the iron clad safety police shake their head when they pass me on the lanes. But I wouldn't trade it for the world and you might be safe from scratches and bruises when you inevitably hit the dirt but passing judgement on the liberty of others just makes you a bit of a pr**k.

          08/10/16 - Says the guy that believes in the way one does.

          08/10/16 - Totally agree About 80% of the time i wear my gear, mainly cos its cold. But riding in a t shirt and pair of jeans feels liberating and changes the dynamic of biking for me. My best riding was a fortnight in spain on a guzzi california before the helmet laws came in over there. Personally i believe it should be the riders decision, after all nit many if us became bikers to confirm and be regulated.

08/10/16 - I've never understood why a life that's meant to be about brotherhood and freedom has so many strangers trying to tell you what you should wear/ride. Just be happy

07/10/16 - YES! gloves can be replaced like helmets and boots but your hands like your head and feet cannot! ..it's just common sense really but from the prats you see in flip flops / sandals and the like along with undone helmets and bare hands riding about.. common sense is well..to some more uncommon!

07/10/16 - Reflective helmet tape is not compulsory for visitors to France, it only applies to new helmets purchased in France worn by people who live there...

07/10/16 - no

07/10/16 - I think you should always wear gloves

07/10/16 - A contentious debate, I wear gloves, they are comfy. If they were restrictive or not comfy, I'd find another way to protect my hands from the elements and gravel rash. Let the debate begin. The gloves are off!

07/10/16 - No, nothing should be compulsory, whats next then, hi vis, legshields, kevlar, airbags, stabilisers FFS

07/10/16 - " YES " without a doubt.

07/10/16 - No I personally always wear gloves

          07/10/16 - I hate wearing gloves on my bike .

07/10/16 - I don't go out unless I'm completely dressed in all my bike gear, I value all of me, not just my hands.

07/10/16 - lets ask the person who took the skin off his hands

07/10/16 - Just make them compulsory and watch the price rise. I always wear gloves

07/10/16 - It shouldn't need to be compulsory.Would you ever consider holding your hands on a linishing machine or grinding wheel.I thought not!

07/10/16 - I'd never ride without gloves but enforcement's the start of a slippery slope that would see all but the rich priced off the road.

07/10/16 - Berate me if you like ive been riding for 40 plus years 17 of which were despatching ive rode in shorts never worn a full face lid i love the freedom motorcycles give me long may it continue but ill wear what i want i cycle a lot aswell do i have to wear full protective clothing on my pushbike ? Ill carry on doing what ive always done thankyou

07/10/16 - F**k No!!!! Individual choice. Helmet laws, seat belt laws, don't do that, can't do this. RFID & your speeding fine is waiting for you when you get home 'cause Big Brother really IS watching you. F**K that, & all done in the name of SAFETY. Piss off

08/10/16 - If you have a brain and you like your hands how they look wear gloves it's like the plebs who go out on a bike with shorts and a vest that is beyond stupid.

08/10/16 - I always wear gloves when riding but my garage is at the back of my house and it's a few hundred yards to get from the back to the front. If I'm going to go out I will get the bike out early, ride round with just a helmet, park at the front of the house and then get kitted up. I would be gutted if I got fined for doing this without gloves.

08/10/16 - Nothing should, but mesh gloves are better than none

08/10/16 - Compulsory? I'm not sure. First helmets, then gloves... it's a slippery slope heading towards mandatory fully armoured, Kevlar-lined onesies with integrated boots... and it still won't stop a van or lorry crushing your legs or chest, your spine being severed over a fire hydrant, or being decapitated from motorway divider cables.

I fully believe in responsibility for your own actions. Crash wearing protective gear, and you get the best of treatment. Crash wearing flip-flops and shorts and, well, you knew the risks, you get what you deserve

08/10/16 - Gloves. 

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