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A step by step guide

This is a guide only. There is no substitute for hard-earned knowledge and experience. If you are not confident in your own abilities, please seek the help of professionals.

1. Remove the previous exhaust system. Where applicable, refer to owners'/ technical manual.

2. Slot the silencer onto the down pipe using exhaust paste/ sealant.

Fitting a Honda Grom exhaust step two

3. Secure the silencer onto the down pipe by using the provided springs. An exhaust spring hook may be required to install these, as the springs will be under tension.

Fitting a Honda Grom exhaust step three

4. Slot the flange end of the down pipe into the manifold of the engine and loosely fit the original exhaust nuts so the system can freely rotate.

Fitting a Honda Grom exhaust step four

5. By hand, bend the provided exhaust strap around the silencer.

Fitting a Honda Grom exhaust step five

6. Remove the upper mounting bolt from the rear brake master cylinder and fit the exhaust bracket supplied (Note: This bracket may require alterations to the angles for correct fitment).
Re-install the upper master cylinder mounting bolt loosely, using a washer if required.

Fitting a Honda Grom exhaust step six

7. nstall an original, or suitable, exhaust mounting nut and bolt through the exhaust mounting bracket and the exhaust strap.

Fitting a Hond grom exhaust step seven

8. Tighten all bolts to manufacturers' torque settings where possible and check all items are not loose once complete.
Job Complete.

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